
Welcome at your new website! On this page you will find a short instruction about adding content and pictures to your website.
To edit your website go to http://yourwebsite/admin/

  1. You can add and edit texts on all pages of your website, by clicking on the green icon that is shown on the left top of the textarea: . By using this icon you are directed to the editor where you can place, paste, edit and format texts.
  2. You can add pictures on your website by clicking on insert image in the editor .
  3. You can create, edit, and remove menu buttons by clicking on menustructure in the main menu that is shown on the right top of your page.
  4. If you want to change the lay-out of your menu, logo, header or address, please click on SiteMentrix in the main menu that is shown on the right top of your page. You will be directed to the builder, where you can change your lay-out at any time.
On an example and howto of a SiteMentrix website.

Enjoy your website!

With kind regards,

Company name, Address, attributeValue('name')Telephone, Fax, Email, Website